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Witherspoon, D., & Ennett, S. (2011). Stability and change in rural youths’ educational outcomes through the middle and high school years. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40, 1077-1090. doi: 10.1007/s10964-010-9614-6 link.springer.com 本…

Neel & Fuligni (2013). A longitudinal study of school belonging and academic motivation across high school.

Neel & Fuligni (2013). A longitudinal study of school belonging and academic motivation across high school. Child Development, 84, 678-692. doi: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 本研究の目的 本研究では以下2つの主要なクエスチョンに回答することを目的と…

Newman et al. (2000). The transition to high school for academically promising, urban, low income, African American youth.

Newman et al. (2000). The transition to high school for academically promising, urban, low income, African American youth. Adolescence, 35, 45-66. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov アブストラクト オハイオ州の教育システムでは、6年生で学業的に優秀な低収…

Newman et al. (2007). The relationship of social support to depressive symptoms during the transition to high school.

Newman et al. (2007). The relationship of social support to depressive symptoms during the transition to high school. Adolescence. 441-459. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 本研究の目的 本研究では3つの仮説が検証された。 仮説1:8~9学年にかけてソーシャ…

Wang & Eccles (2012). Social support matters: longitudinal effects of social support on three dimensions of school engagement from middle to high school.

Wang & Eccles (2012). Social support matters: longitudinal effects of social support on three dimensions of school engagement from middle to high school. Child Development. 83, 877-895. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01745.x. www.ncbi.nlm.n…

Benner et al. (2017 in press). Understanding Students’ Transition to High School: Demographic Variation and the Role of Supportive Relationships

Benner et al. (2017 in press). Understanding Students’ Transition to High School: Demographic Variation and the Role of Supportive Relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 本研究の目的 本研究は、短期縦断データ…